Hey friends and fam,
Wow well it’s been quite the crazy time out here in the mission of elder call in panama. Last week was awesome and a ton happened. We went super hard the last week of the change and had two awesome baptisms...I was so pumped. One is named Yorlenis and is 19, and her niece got baptized with her too and she's eight. It was sooo awesome and the other two sisters are for sure getting baptized this next weekend. I love their fam too and if i come to panama they will probably be the first fam i visit haha. But man we were busy and to top it all off today i had changes. Now I’m in Arraigan. I started my mission in the zone here and i'm super excited to be back, always soo much success here and especially in the area i'm in now called Burunga. Wow I’m new here but from what I've seen its sooo much different. I got used to the city and now I’m in pure jungle again haha its going to be awesome. My comp is elder Savarrieta from colombia. he's the only colombian in the mission and seems like a really good guy. he's pretty old too haha 25. The area is cool though and i hear they baptize a lot so I’m excited. But wow what a change I’m sad to have left san miguelito. I got here and now i gotta change my slang cus holy cow i was talking ghetto not guna lie…used to talking to only gangsters and stuff haha I’m going to miss it... made soo many friends there. Really sad, but life's about change so here i am. Weird though too cus i just feel like I’ve only talked to like 5 people since I’ve been here and they just seems so much different. So I’m super excited and I forgot my old memory card so I can’t send pics of the baptisms but I will do it next week. I’ll never forget my times in the hood of san miguelito…so many memories and cherished moments. I’ll let you know how it is here next week.
Love u all bye!!
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