Wow it was quite the last week, tons happened in terms of the work. Also shout out to the fam, it was super fun talkin to yall yesterday seems like all is well in the home. Well as for me its been a ton of work out here in the hood of santa librada. I have never in my whole mission wanted to help a ward like this one im serious.. (mom delete that tho if i wrote it last week lol). But wow we have seen soo many miracles including a guy named edwardo coming up to us in the streets and asking how he could become a missionary like us. He is 27 and literally wants us to come over to his house everyday and teach him about God. He is going to get baptized this sunday or the following, so we are super pumped about that. Also we have been in the process of activating a ton of people, including a return missionary and his fam. They got offended cus someone was gossiping about them and for that they become in active, super sad how easy some people go but now we are activating him and his family. Also soo many more. Like we are so busy and we never have even 1 minute during the week with nothing to do. So ya been crazy and im super excited for the miracles to come. Love u all and all u continue to be an inspiration to me and what I am doing here in panama.
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