Wow so a pretty uneventful week out here on the islands. Had a baptism this last week which was exciting. Was from a "five family", a program we use in the mission to find in actives, reactivate them, and baptize the fam that are not members yet. So that is exactly what we did, still working on totally reactivating the family ortega, but we baptized their daughter who is 15. So other than that nothing really happened standoutish on the work side of things. We just continue to find people and teach them, idk how its even possible to keep finding new people on these little islands but we somehow managed. I can now officially say i have one in every house on our both islands haha i know everyone, which is actually kinda nice. Definitely guna miss a lot of people from here when i eventually leave. Ok two coolest things that happened this week happened in tupile. We were there two days ago making a call on the huge cement dock in front of the island(only part there is reception) and some guy was fighting with a fish for a while and finally pulls out this huuuuge puffer fish. It was like a foot long and super wide and was soo ugly haha. Lol there were like 20 people at the dock and we all gathered around and one of em started messing with it and this thing blew up bigger than a basketball on the sizzling hot cement. HAha i was dying it was sooo funny, making a bunch of noises, it was soo helpless, they finally cut off the hook and released it. Ok so another is that a couple friends of mine went hunting and came back with two huuuge wild jungle bores. So we watched them gut it from a canoe on shore and it was fascinating, turns out BOTH of them were pregnant- this is kinda gross lol but they cut the fetuses out of the uterus from one pig they were pretty much ready to be born it seemed like-hair and everything, but from the other they were small and ink (nasty). so they ended up saving em in a special bowl and i asked what they are guna do with them and all they were saying is for medicine... prob gunna eat them or something. Just a classic kuna indian thing. Well ya that is all i got haha overall good week tho and looking forward to some good future success. So yup love u all fam have a good week! -Elder Call
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