Hey friends and fam! (the usual title every week lol)
Well, this week was dope and this next week is the freakin last of changes which i can't even believe. Life has been good this week and the mission is amazing hahaha. I'm learning so much every day and my testimony just gets stronger and stronger. I also have 8 months in the mission today...hahaha...so crazy how time flies. This week was another good one and we continue having so many miracles. We had two baptisms this week which were dope. We baptized a girl that's like 26 and we also baptized Ofelia's son. Ofelia is the lady we baptized last week. Super awesome stuff and we just continue to see blessing and miracles. Well today was one of the dopest days that i have had here in Panama not guna lie. So the 1st counselor of the stake presidency knows my comp cus my comp was in this same zone before. So my comp talked to him and he said he'd take us in his car up to his house where there are amazing views. So we talked to our mission leaders and asked if we could drive in his car up to his house. It's a miracle that we got permission to go, and that it all worked out, and he took us in his car all the way up to his house which is in a place called Cerro Azul. This guy, Pres Gahona, is the freekin man! He took us exploring all over this huge mountain where he lives all of today. It was soo dope...we got to see the view of both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans together. We also got to see a view of the whole city and all of the surrounding cities that border Panama City. We also had a great view of the canal. Soo awesome and we just chatted, laughed, and drove around up there. One of the highlights is Pres Gahona was telling me that there are a bunch of sloths up there but we had't seen any. So at the end of the trip we got out of his car and started looking in the trees for sloths when these gardeners pass by us and ask what we're doing. We told them we were looking for sloths and they just drove off and left without saying anything. About 15 min later the gardeners came back with a huge sloth in the back of their truck that they caught and brought back for us...hhahaha...it was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. That's why i love this place...some dirt broke Panamanians went wayyy out of their way to find a sloth, catch it, and then bring it back to us. It totally made our day. The people are so humble and nice and are freekin hilarious...hahaha...these guys just had a freekin rope around this sloth in their crappy little truck and were just messing around with the sloth with us hahaha. Well, love this freekin little country and love you all too. The sad thing is I didn't have my camera with me during that part of the day but luckily my comp did and he's going to send me the pics later. I'll try and send some pics of the sloth out to you next week. Love, Elder Call

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