Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Happy Fourth of July (week 74)

Hey Friends and wonderful family,

   Wow sorry I have been pretty spotty with writing this past month. Been really busy with college apps and I'm sure most of you all know how that is. Man these past weeks I have been feeling incredibly blessed for the life my father in heaven has given me. The mission has been the best opportunity that i have ever had and its so weird the happiness that can be found in helping others and working your guts out everyday. My companion is the man and we are seeing a ton of success out here in burunga arraijan. We have baptized every week and ended this last weekend with two more baptisms. The people are very humble in my area and are so open to the gospel. I am so fortunate to be in an area like this and to have been blessed with so much success. I cant believe I only have 4 changes left in my mission after this week and I cry when I think too much about it. I had an amazing interview with president Current, I know he is an inspired church leader, and I love him so much. We talked about my last 4 changes and setting spiritual goals to be able to overcome the temptations that a non-mission environment provides. Wow if I wrote about all the miracles that we have seen in these past couple of weeks I would be writing this letter all day. The lord has blessed us in sooo many ways and I know its been for our obedience and diligence. We have found so many people and  I am so pleased with the work here. We also are managing to have so much fun as my comp is one of the craziest people I have ever met. He's a little Colombian fireball hahaha man the hardest time we've had together is when Colombia lost their world cup game this past week. He didn't talk for like a solid hour...hahaha... it was hilarious. Ya so next week I will update you all more on some miracles but that's all I got for now. Love you all so much and love the mission. I love Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice for me. Peace out fam! --Elder Call